Monday, September 20, 2010

Tarea 9/20/2010



Usernames and passwords

Remember that the password for everyone is:  password

Monday, September 13, 2010

Another Map Activity

This is the game that we used in class to practice capitals.


Sra. Martin

Friday, September 10, 2010

Tarea para 09/10/2010

Hola todos-
For your homework tonight, you are going to be reading some information from your textbook. Then you will listen to some questions or descriptions and write down your answers.

For the Quiénes son activity on p.3, read the information and then listen to the audio descriptions. Write down the name of each person described in the recording.

For the Cómo son activity read the information and then listen to the audio statements. You should write down on your paper which statements are true and which statements are false.

This activity will not take you very long so you should use your extra time to study capitals and countries and the vocabulary words that you do not know.

Quiénes son:

Cómo son:

Friday, September 3, 2010

Here is how you access the online activity:
Go to

Click on the Latin American Countries Quiz. You will need to sign in with your username and password. (Your usernames and passwords are below)

Complete the activity and make sure you click “end activity” when you are done. Then it will ask you if you want to submit. When you are ready to turn in the assignment, click on “Submit”.
This activity should be submitted before you come to class on Tuesday. Again, you should only use your OWN username to take the quiz.

The password for everyone is: password

I know, creative!

Buena suerte!